Thanks, Michael Feldman!
On Saturday, Crusty Bill, Marcia and I were in the audience for Michael Feldman's Whad'Ya Know? radio show in Madison, WI. Unbeknownst to me (well, apparently Crusty Bill let it slip but an early morning and insufficient caffeine prevented it from sinking in to my brain), Marcia submitted a question about my Adventures - and Michael Feldman read it!
I thoroughly enjoyed talking with Mr. Feldman - well as much as one can when simultaneously squashing urges to hide under the chair and pummel one's sister-in-law! And as a fan of NPR and Whad'Ya Know, it was a lot of fun to be a participant in the show. I also loved seeing the show - listening to the broadcast is great, but there's an additional dynamic in the theater that really enhances the experience.
So a big thanks to Marcia, Whad'Ya Know and Michael Feldman for this month's Adventure (on my birthday weekend, no less!) - it was a blast!
p.s. You can hear the show and our conversation on the Whad'Ya Know website.