Toe-tal Misadventure
I cursed and gasped my way up the stairs to my apartment, took off my bloody shoe (this is not a British curse, the shoe had a pool of blood), and doused the toe in Bactine. Then I made two calls: one to work calling in sick, and one to Dr. Dad.
At first we thought it was okay to treat at home, but eventually it became clear from the amount of pain and the bizarre angle of the nail that professional treatment was necessary. In the end, the podiatrist had to remove the nail (providing a couple of blissfully numb hours from the local anesthesia!).
So, poor Mr. Toe is naked. Tomorrow I go back to the podiatrist for a checkup; hopefully, she will confirm that the nail will grow back - although this is a long process, and can take up to 12 months. At least the pain is less than it was the first few days.